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There are no strangers here; only friends you haven't yet met.

William Butler Yeats.

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Minneapolis, Minnesota

My other websites: B. Lindgren CONSULTING -- Education's Ecology -- IDEA Consortium

Lindgren's Online

One's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions. Oliver Wendell Holmes

We stretch our  minds by sharing ideas through dialogue . .

Our Planetary Imperative

Every sunrise brings a new flow of energy to our planet. Our blind and unrelenting uses of very old, non-renewable fossil fuels has accelerated warming of our earth through generation of greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide and methane. Economic and ecological impacts are increasingly obvious as instability of our planetary atmosphere, biosphere and geosphere. Through human development it is within the power of humanity to take care of earth's ecosystems with new opportunities to forge a global economy that is cyclical and sustainable rather than linear and wasteful. That is our planetary imperative. One key is economic development based on mimicry of what nature has "valued" through evolution across 3.5 billion years. Another key is to use our knowledge of biology to carefully innovate and create sustainability. The flame of education is fueled by questioning our existence; Where did we come from? and, Where are we going? Our ideas and questions drive personal and community development through a lifetime.

The Answer Rises Every Morning (anon)


Browse a listing of 10 fascinating topics related to Education's Ecology. I will continue developing each of these into a series of talks ranging from short 15-18 minute presentations to 30 and 50-60 minute programs with more formality. My goal is to stimulate a rich, open dialogue about education that challenges listeners and leaders for continuing action supporting change through innovation and imagination. Send me a note today if you (or your group) are interested in stretching your thoughts about active strategies for education.

There is plenty to challenge our consciousness in a world that has evolved and continues to change. My foundations are almost continually energized by each new experience. Biology and Education focus my personal interests and it is intended that this website will display some of who I am; and, what I believe about the past, present and future of education. Education cannot be separated from life. Learning and biology are linked through evolution and development. 

The Logo  The evolution of an important collection of ideas.

Writing & Blog -- T.G.I.F.

We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master. 

Ernest Hemingway

Writing is a delightful struggle with ideas and for more than 60 years I have engaged the challenges of writing in many ways. Recently I've been afforded a circumstance enabling me to write almost every day. Writing is what I now do. I guess this makes me a writer. This website and the embedded blog is an extension of that work. I expect the content to evolve and expand. My hope is that you and others may visit occasionally if not often. Send me a letter. Your gift of words will help me learn about anything you like (or don't like). When you raise questions, we both have an opportunity to learn.

Subscribe to the Newsletter T.G.I.F.

Let's Keep In Touch ....


Collaborating Begins with Connecting

Nothing we say is more important than what we do - together. A strategy of doing is a planetary imperative because each human being is contributing to changes in earth's ecology and too much of what we are doing is not sustainable. Change begins personally and locally. We are part of a community and that is our ecology; the place where we interact with ever changing relationships. There is no discrete boundary between our community and the rest of the world. We are all connected in the construction of a global reality. We can change parts of what we are and what we do; but, no one, no matter their persuasive or political power will change the laws of physics and chemistry that are embedded in every aspect of planetary life. Life is a quest to survive. Sustainability is stewardship -- taking care of our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual home -- our ecology -- with all of its energy flow and material conservation. 

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© Bruce Lindgren 2024

bflind (at) cheqnet (dot) net
